Max Temperature 84 °F / 29 °C
Wind Speed 6 mph / 8 km/h
Max Wind Speed 15 mph / 24 km/h
Max Gust Speed 21 mph / 33 km/h (at 9:00AM, It dropped off after that, see map below.)
NOAA and the TV weathermen called for the same as yesterday - S 5-15, but wunderground called for S 10-20, so I was hoping for a better day today. As I drove over the dam toward Cook, it certainly looked better than yesterday. I was tempted to sail at the dam, but headed to Cook hoping to run into a girl I saw there yesterday, plus it would be blowing harder there.
It was lighter by the time I got to Cook and was blowing SSE, which meant the best winds were up by Cook Point closest to Bear Island. It was dead in the middle of the lake and I would need to sail across the lake toward Hamilton Creek, past Stone Island at the very least, to lay the point. It looked like it might be better toward Seven Points, but I was not going to risk getting stuck over there, as the winds were getting lighter by the minute.
I sailed for about an hour and got in the front strap 3-4 times, but never really had a good run. I came in and watched the wind for about an hour and it looked like a steady 10 at best. The 10.5 might have been just enough.

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