Tales of Windsurfing on a Lake in the Southeast U.S.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

It is a Hot & Dry August

We've seen several new record high temps this August; it's been over 100 degrees for 11 of the last 12 days, we are in a severe draught, and we have had 11 heat-related deaths in the state. Most nights it is still in the mid 90's at 10:00 PM and next week brings more of the same.

The lake's surface water temperature is 87.0 degrees Fahrenheit, and 86.5 degrees at 10 feet. That's too warm to be refreshing. Lake level is 8/10ths below normal summer pool and that makes a difference; I've dinged the Superlight centerboard several times at Hamilton Creek.

Daily forecasts are never better than 5-10, but many days we see 6-20 or something equally lousy. Sometimes we see a good 12 knot breeze for 10 minutes and then it's gone. I sure don't want to be stuck in the middle of the lake holding a 9.5 when it dies.

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