Tales of Windsurfing on a Lake in the Southeast U.S.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Shadow finds a friend

Shadow always likes other animals, but she really hit it off with this Chocolate Lab in the park.

Not much wind, but a what gorgeous day!

I wrapped up daylight at Hamilton Creek Marina. There were some huge wind shadows and I was really glad to not be standing out there on a board holding a 10.5, but a sailboat would have been nice earlier when it blew up to 12 mph for a couple of hours.

This was shot from the marina parking lot and the boat was leaving the cove and entering the main part of the lake, which is at least 1/4 mile away from where I was standing, so I am quite pleased with the quality of my Fuji 5100S.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Kite Boat

The Beaufort powered by a “SkySail’ sails in the Baltic Sea in a September 2006 handout photo. The “SkySail”, a 160 square-meter kite tethered to a mast, has successfully undergone years of trial runs and Bremen shipowner Beluga Shipping believes it will help its vessels cut fuel use by 15 to 20 percent.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Enough yard work, we went to the lake

Shadow and I went to the lake around 3:00 PM. The wind had died, but the one sailor I spoke with said he had a great day. The highest gust was 12 mph at noon and the winds steadily tapered off after that.

Shadow enjoyed getting wet, but I know she didn’t like the water temp as much as she did earlier in the year.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

70 degrees in November

Orlinda, TN

It is now two days after Thanksgiving and we have 70 degrees with south winds at 6. I’ve been working in the yard all morning and have more to do, but may have to go for a sail this afternoon. :)