Max Temperature 71 °F / 21 °C
Wind Speed 7 mph / 12 km/h (South)
Max Wind Speed 14 mph / 23 km/h
Max Gust Speed 21 mph / 34 km/h
I almost didn't sail today because the neighbors kept me awake until after 6:00 AM and I barely got three hours' sleep; but I had left messages for Jamey and Monte the night before and when Jamey called and said they were going, I psyched myself up and went and was really glad I did.
Monte's Superlight blew off his roof racks a few weeks ago, so he brought his DuFour Wing, but since he didn't think to bring the mast extension for it, he had only the base to work with and therefore rigged a 5.3. We were rigging about 1:45 and at times I was tempted to sail the AHD and let him sail my Superlight, but there was a large wind shadow at the boat ramp, so I didn't.
It was me on S'light/9.5, Monte on Wing/5.3 and Jamey on NTrance/6.3. We raced upwind and I was amazed at how well Monte did on that little sail (Monte is 200 lbs.) I railed the Superlight and shot upwind, then hung out to wait for them. Then we all worked on light wind jibes, I sailed fin first, and we had a ball for about 2 1/2 hours.
These guys have never sailed larger sails and two minutes after I swapped with Monte, the wind died, and boy, do I mean died. We all headed for the boat ramp, Monte caught me and we switched back, and I pumped like mad to get to shore before dark. The sun didn't set as quickly as I thought it would, with sunset officially taking place at 4:35 and it was still light at 5:00, but I used a flashlight to check for anything we might be forgetting.
What a nice day, I'm glad I've still got a longboard.

Longboards are a must. Never sell your Superlight! I've had mine for nine years, and it was ten years old when I bought it!
Meanwhile, see if you can (as I try but fail to do) note the next day's forecast BEFORE I start some all-night partying!
Congrats on the session...must sail 12 months of the year...can you do it?
I hear you, bro. I've got two Superlights; one was my learning board and is all repaired and stripped; the other is an '88 with maybe 20 sessions on it, it's pristine!
Yes, I have a Kokatat and get on the water at least once a month no matter how dead it is, even if I never get 50 feet from the bank. I just have to get on a board and I bet you are the same way.
I love it ...take what you can!!!love it
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