Max Temperature 84 °F / 28 °C
Wind Speed 5 mph / 13 km/h ()
Max Wind Speed 17 mph / 28 km/h
Max Gust Speed 25 mph / 41 km/h
At 6:30pm it is still 80 degrees and SSE 14 gusting to 21. I sure did hate to quit today.
It was too windy for Bob H. to work with the kite, so he rigged 9.0 and I rigged 7.5/Fanatic. We hit the water around 12:30 and it immediately picked up.
I made a couple of OP'd runs, got a leg cramp, and came in for more downhaul and some hydration. I tried to get some video of Bob, but he was too far away. He looked way powered up and after a pretty good crash, I thought surely he'd had enough, but he headed the far side of the lake, so I went back out.
I sailed between Luau Island and the big one, going on a fast broad reach and my stupid footstrap had come out, so I sailed into a hole and fixed it. When I got back up, it was serious 5.5 or better and I was barely hanging on. I got back and saw Bob had come in, so I did too. We were both done for the day.

You have a Luau island? Hopefully that puts you in a Maui state of mind. Meanwhile you need some wind (or to post about recent sessions!)
On a seperate note, I'd like to nominate my local windsurfing shop to be added to your lists o' stores. Windsurfing Hamptons is a great shop that provides tremendous service, as well as being very active in providing local sailing info and coordinating sessions. We have a thriving windsurfing community on Long Island and this shop is a big part of that.
For your consideration...meanwhile Pray for Wind!
Note...when I said "my local windsurfing shop"'s not my store. I'm a customer (an enthusiastic customer!)
Hi, Peconic, thanks for suggestion your local shop, they have been added.
Yes, we have a Luau Island, but I must admit to never having felt Hawaiian when near it. It's a cool little island. One side very gently slopes into the water and the bottom is covered with pea gravel. It's a very nice place to cool off in the summertime.
We have wind advisories today and temps in the 70's before it turns cold. I plan to add this session this evening or tomorrow.
Take care and have fun!
Hey you're coming up on a month with no post. Surely you're still sailing. Surely you own a drysuit. You must get out there!
-Crazy in the East (and planning on getting at least one day locally every month of the year.)
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