Max Temperature 89 °F / 31 °C
Wind Speed 1 mph / 4 km/h ()
Max Wind Speed 16 mph / 26 km/h
Max Gust Speed 22 mph / 35 km/h
Max GPS: 23.4 mph
I saw some good wind as I rigged 9.5 and AHD, but it was much lighter by the time I hit the water. Winds were shifty, but predominately east as Robin and I worked toward the end of Bear Island. The trip up there wasn't really worth it and we headed back toward the beach, but I saw a good gust coming and stayed upwind waiting for it. I'm sure glad I did, I had a great 23.4 mph run back to the beach... and that was my one run today.
Bob brought his new 8.0 kite to the beach, but it only got rigged and wet, never airborne, as the wind died.

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