Max Temperature 93 °F / 33 °C
Wind Speed 6 mph / 12 km/h ()
Max Wind Speed 13 mph / 20 km/h
Max Gust Speed 24 mph / 39 km/h
Max GPS: 22.6 mph
I got to the lake around 11:10 and rigged 5.5, thinking it might be too much. Bob H. arrived 10 minutes later and I went out to see if the 5.5 was going to work as it had let up a little.
I had one great run and one just *okay* run, stayed out for 20 minutes, and then came in to rig bigger. I was not going to make the same mistake I made yesterday of staying with too small a sail.
The 9.5 and AHD were the right call and Bob sailed his IMCO/11.0. We did some drag racing and I took the lead in the gusts, but he has the sub-planing advantage. I sailed up to the bottom of the entrance to Hamilton Creek. I had planned to get to Anderson Road boat ramp and take a break; then when the wind freshened, I would do this big downwinder back to the beach. Unfortunately, it got light once I got up there and it was going to take forever to get to the boat ramp, so I took the first good gust and had a nice broad reach half way to Bear Island and then it died.
I did a dead run past Bear Island, aiming for the end of Cook, but caught some gusts before I got there and took a ride toward Seven Points. I sailed about half way to the swimming beach, saw my ride home coming down from the bridge, and thought I better take it, so I turned and headed back.
We sailed until about 4:00 pm and just as we were about to get in our cars, Monte D. and then Jamey R. showed up. I helped them rig and watched them both sail. They both have the basics and are ready to rig bigger and try harnesses.
Man, it was humid on the beach, but there was almost no boat traffic. YAY!