Max Temperature 86 °F / 30 °C
Forecast: NE 10-15
Wind Speed 5 mph / 8 km/h (NNE)
Max Wind Speed 17 mph / 27 km/h
Max Gust Speed 23 mph / 37 km/h
{ Part I }
{ Part II }
I took the AHD and a paddle so I could do rescues and at one point, Karla ended up in the end of the cove and I went and got her. My tow line was too short, so she had to paddle out while I sailed the Superlight back upwind. I had rigged the 5.3 for her and when I got back to shore, I rigged the 4.6 and it worked much better.
We were on the water by 11:30 AM and quit at 7 PM, so it was a long day of sailing for her. It looked like a great 9.5 day out on the lake, but Tim is sunburned from last Thursday, Bob was tied up with a church function, and it was the weekend, so I would not have wanted to sail anyway. Temps and humidity were low for July and it was a fabulous day to be outside. Karla and I were chilly when we got wet. This is great camping weather!

Nice blog...thanks for adding mine to your links! I don't get to sail lakes very often, but I do enjoy it. I've got a Superlight too, which is my favorite board for when I'm on inland water.
Just started reading and enjoying your blog! Love seeing pics of regular folks windsurfing in other places. Thanks for sharing!
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