Max Temperature 88 °F / 31 °C
Wind Speed 3 mph / 9 km/h ()
Max Wind Speed 15 mph / 24 km/h, mostly NE
Max Gust Speed 22 mph / 35 km/h
My Max Speed: 24.0 mph
Avg Speed: 5.6 mph
Distance: 17.33 miles
AHD Attitude Inspiro
9.5 V8
Techtonics Maui 58cm
I got on the water at Hamilton Creek Boat Ramp at 11:30 AM and sailed pretty much solid for 2 1/2 hours. I came in when I saw Bob H. rigging a 9.0, gave him a downhaul tool which he so needed, and was back out in 10 minutes.
I soon hit 20 on the GPS and hit 22.8 at one point, but I really wanted to hit 23. My last run in was a broad reach and I believe that is when I hit the big 24. I would guess, partially due to the smallish chop on that run, that max wind was 16 mph.
First sesh: 2:20 hours
Second sesh: 30 minutes.
Here is my course:

It was great day and I am tired.

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