Max Temperature 77 °F / 25 °C 63 °F / 17 °C 88 °F / 31 °C (1907)
Wind Speed 10 mph / 16 km/h (SSW)
Max Wind Speed 18 mph / 29 km/h
Max Gust Speed 24 mph / 39 km/h

Nate and I met at Hamilton Creek Point at 10:30 this morning and were sailing by 11:15. He sailed his Prodigy 8.5 while I took out the FreeRide 77 with 9.5.
It looked like 10-14 from the beach, but was a solid 15 with gusts in the mid-20’s. After a couple of runs I came back and rigged a 7.5 for the Bee 284 and it was near perfect!
Nate quit at 1:00 and we chatted for 30 minutes, then he left and I went back out on the 7.5 and Bee. I came off the water at 2:30.
The Corps site says surface water temperature is 54.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and 53.5 degrees at 10 feet. I had guessed it to be 55, so I will give them one point for being right for a change, but they are still on double-secret probation.
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