Here are the photos:

Tales of Windsurfing on a Lake in the Southeast U.S.
Wind: Lots of glass, 8 in the gusts
Air Temp: HOT!
I've been dying to sail with Jamey R. He sailed a "barge" in the 80's has barely been on a board since, and just bought a Mistral NTrance with a 6.5 Ezzy Superlight rig.
He's got a bad habit of going downwind on Port, but he can pretty much get where he wants to go. We sailed most of the way to Bear Island, but Jamey turned and headed back for the beach when it threatened to die.
When we got 1/3 mile from the beach, the wind shifted north, which was offshore. He did a great job of getting back. I look forward to sailing with him this fall.
Forecast: SW 10-20
Wind Speed 4 mph / 9 km/h ()
Max Wind Speed 17 mph / 28 km/h
Max Gust Speed low 30's
(wunderground says Max Gust 24 mph; bull)
Max Temperature 97 °F / 36 °C
According to wunderground, max gusts were 24, but they were definitely 30 and the whole synopsis of today is bull. It was often low 20's with gusts to low 30's.
I was supposed to meet Bob H. at Cook at 11:00, but I ran 1/2 hour late. I got to Cook, found no Bob in sight and began rigging the 7.5, but as it picked up, I left the 7.5 with a mast in her and rigged a 5.5 for the 101 liter Veloce.
Bob finally showed up and rigged a 7.5 (he's 230 lbs.) as it blew like stink. We got on the water at 12:45 and both of us had lots of good runs, but there were holes. John C. showed up and was rigging 6.0 for his Screamer, but broke his mast. I lent him my 460, so that took my 7.5 out of the picture, which I was planning to switch to. Oh well, it was worth it to see John sail.
I quit at 2:45 as my legs were tired and the wind was too variable for my taste. Bob & John came in 30 minutes later.